Manuka Honey Magic...
For all those who struggle with acne, we know nature works! We've had many customers tell us how much it's changed their life to find a gentle, natural product range that has helped clear their skin and given them back their confidence and ability to face the world.
"I would just like to say how impressed I am with your "Manuka Honey Gel" - this has been a skin saver for me! For years I have suffered with severe acne and tried most of the pharmaceutical products available including dermatologist lead treatments, however neither were very successful. A year ago I purchased your Manuka Honey Gel (originally rescue gel) and I was completely blown away but how effective it is! Without a doubt it has been the best product I have EVER used for acne and I will continue to buy it. Thank you so much for giving me back my confidence and happiness."
- Charlotte, UK
For more on our products designed for blemish-prone skin, click here or have read of some other customer testimonials here.